País Dirección IP total Porcentaje
United States of America (US) 79,103,076 99.7533%
Brazil (BR) 113,668 0.1433%
Sierra Leone (SL) 26,806 0.0338%
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (NL) 8,416 0.0106%
Peru (PE) 8,195 0.0103%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB) 6,170 0.0078%
Canada (CA) 5,440 0.0069%
Mexico (MX) 3,950 0.0050%
Hong Kong (HK) 2,617 0.0033%
Azerbaijan (AZ) 2,304 0.0029%
United Arab Emirates (AE) 2,048 0.0026%
France (FR) 1,497 0.0019%
Guam (GU) 1,280 0.0016%
Singapore (SG) 832 0.0010%
Kuwait (KW) 800 0.0010%
Sweden (SE) 773 0.0010%
Germany (DE) 654 0.0008%
Spain (ES) 628 0.0008%
Japan (JP) 624 0.0008%
Costa Rica (CR) 520 0.0007%
Switzerland (CH) 520 0.0007%
Sri Lanka (LK) 512 0.0006%
Micronesia (Federated States of) (FM) 512 0.0006%
Ecuador (EC) 512 0.0006%
Romania (RO) 512 0.0006%
Italy (IT) 512 0.0006%
Bangladesh (BD) 512 0.0006%
Liechtenstein (LI) 512 0.0006%
Kenya (KE) 512 0.0006%
Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 400 0.0005%
Puerto Rico (PR) 320 0.0004%
Australia (AU) 315 0.0004%
Argentina (AR) 284 0.0004%
Panama (PA) 278 0.0004%
Portugal (PT) 277 0.0003%
Denmark (DK) 267 0.0003%
Pakistan (PK) 256 0.0003%
Monaco (MC) 256 0.0003%
Uganda (UG) 256 0.0003%
New Zealand (NZ) 85 0.0001%
Poland (PL) 80 0.0001%
Colombia (CO) 77 0.0001%
Philippines (PH) 68 0.0001%
Iceland (IS) 64 0.0001%
Eswatini (SZ) 64 0.0001%
Guatemala (GT) 44 0.0001%
Afghanistan (AF) 40 0.0001%
Turkiye (TR) 32 0.0000%
Cayman Islands (KY) 32 0.0000%
Guyana (GY) 32 0.0000%
Lebanon (LB) 32 0.0000%
Russian Federation (RU) 32 0.0000%
Barbados (BB) 24 0.0000%
Nicaragua (NI) 16 0.0000%
Andorra (AD) 16 0.0000%
Aruba (AW) 16 0.0000%
Martinique (MQ) 16 0.0000%
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) (BO) 16 0.0000%
Haiti (HT) 16 0.0000%
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (VE) 16 0.0000%
Ireland (IE) 16 0.0000%
Luxembourg (LU) 16 0.0000%
Hungary (HU) 11 0.0000%
Norway (NO) 9 0.0000%
Malta (MT) 8 0.0000%
Tanzania, the United Republic of (TZ) 8 0.0000%
Taiwan (Province of China) (TW) 8 0.0000%
India (IN) 5 0.0000%
Greece (GR) 5 0.0000%
Austria (AT) 5 0.0000%
Czechia (CZ) 3 0.0000%
Finland (FI) 3 0.0000%
Korea (the Republic of) (KR) 1 0.0000%
Belgium (BE) 1 0.0000%