Pays Adresse IP totale Pourcentage
China 8,569,448 76.0352%
Singapore 1,171,456 10.3941%
Hong Kong 597,504 5.3015%
United States of America 265,272 2.3537%
Germany 128,784 1.1427%
India 113,152 1.0040%
Korea (the Republic of) 100,352 0.8904%
Japan 96,000 0.8518%
Russian Federation 81,408 0.7223%
Thailand 40,464 0.3590%
Indonesia 36,608 0.3248%
Brazil 29,184 0.2589%
Canada 22,016 0.1953%
Malaysia 2,304 0.0204%
Turkiye 1,792 0.0159%
Viet Nam 1,280 0.0114%
Iraq 1,280 0.0114%
United Arab Emirates 1,280 0.0114%
Philippines 1,280 0.0114%
Egypt 1,280 0.0114%
Pakistan 1,024 0.0091%
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 792 0.0070%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 776 0.0069%
Mexico 768 0.0068%
Spain 512 0.0045%
Peru 512 0.0045%
Sweden 512 0.0045%
Colombia 512 0.0045%
Argentina 512 0.0045%
Chile 512 0.0045%
France 512 0.0045%
Macao 256 0.0023%
South Africa 256 0.0023%
Nepal 256 0.0023%
Italy 256 0.0023%
Australia 256 0.0023%