Country Total IP Address Percentage
Switzerland 65,792 37.9791%
Belgium 65,544 37.8360%
Denmark 25,900 14.9510%
Singapore 8,192 4.7289%
Mauritius 6,144 3.5467%
United States of America 856 0.4941%
Hong Kong 272 0.1570%
Mexico 192 0.1108%
Canada 164 0.0947%
Czechia 43 0.0248%
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 40 0.0231%
Philippines 25 0.0144%
France 16 0.0092%
Italy 16 0.0092%
Argentina 12 0.0069%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 8 0.0046%
Luxembourg 8 0.0046%
Austria 8 0.0046%