Country Total IP Address Percentage
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 984,884 66.9230%
United States of America 476,120 32.3524%
Germany 5,232 0.3555%
Indonesia 1,280 0.0870%
Australia 1,024 0.0696%
Singapore 960 0.0652%
Azerbaijan 512 0.0348%
Trinidad and Tobago 512 0.0348%
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 280 0.0190%
Angola 256 0.0174%
Egypt 256 0.0174%
Turkiye 256 0.0174%
Canada 32 0.0022%
France 32 0.0022%
Spain 16 0.0011%
Morocco 8 0.0005%
Switzerland 8 0.0005%